Those of you born in my generation... us half centurions Plus+ one or two...
Though we need not be blue, but rejoice that we are still here...
We are still here for a reason.
If you are like me and my William Edward...My Jacob too...Personal Elder in Heaven's Gate...
If you always rest within HIS Peace which surpasses all understanding that guards and guides thy minds through HIS Only Son Christ Jesus...or
You may be one who is still seeking HIM maybe even routinely reenacting
HIS Breaking The Bread at HIS Last Supper.
Though you still have an empty GOD shaped space or Do-Nut hole in your heart.
You have for 49...59..69 ...77...78....years and more gone through the weekly maybe daily rituals you were taught;
Your son's and daughters too...sadly most today all clumped together in one generic name group: "You Guys!"
And thus thy children & children's many are lost or nearly and out of jails and prisons.
For having made poor choices which actions result from a disease of attitude which is formed by the words they speak from the first words they ever learn perhaps even beginning before they crawl or can recognize a ball.
Words are important. GOD created all things with HIS Mouth opened wide speaking out loud!
Our words, each and every one ever spoken or sung by our tongue is always creating something...either goodness or evil all the days of our lives.
There is no in between.
Either our words bless and build others and ourselves at the same time...or they destroy and tear down self esteem and other's images of GOD!
For wherever you and I are...any time any day or night some one and The Only SON and HIS Father and HIS Most Holy Spirit are not only seeing and watching and listening to you always...
They are recording it!
For HIS Holy Word says we will give an account for every word we ever speak...
Because if our words are not building and lifting by encouraging, comforting, counseling, consoling, steering toward what is kind and wholesome...
Steering away from the wicked and healing hearts with words of honeycomb...that unlike harshness drys up all bones....that each one who hears this Good News rejoices forever pressing onward preaching the same Holy Gospel they received...perhaps from you or me..laying their holy hands upon each little lamb or monkey of any age they meet and greet along every street and into foreign lands.
Monkeys do what monkeys see, but lambs are blind and submissive...thus need a Holy Shepherd to lead them.
Thus a profound trust is a natural attribute of every humble heart...
Yet though blind they will only follow The Good and Holy Shepherd's Voice!
Is your voice one in HIS?
Are you content embracing what befalls you with a joyful laugh and new song of hope and praise?
If not maybe you need to COME HOME to The Holy Catholic FAITH.
Each Christian group broke from The Holy Mother Catholic church or off of one that broke off of her already.
Each one broke off due to some crisis in their FAITH!
Martin Luther could have never received his First Holy Communion at any age had he not believed in The TRUE Presence of Jesus Christ in each of the Seven Holy Sacraments of The Church each of which
Jesus Christ instituted Himself.
I often am baffled as to why Almighty GOD did not perform a Eucharistic Miracle for Martin Luther when he Consecrated HIS Body and Blood within the last Mass he celebrated as a Catholic Priest.
Why did HE not in order to strengthen his shakened faith and hold HIS Church together whom HE loves as HIS husbands are to love their wives.
Just as I cannot explain why GOD did not change the bread & wine on October 29, 2011 at ST Joseph's of Kannapolis North Carolina, for the "Very Reverend" Father Alvaro Riquelme, C.S.s.R. consecrated Mass and Our Lord's Body and Blood without Altar candles nor was Tabernacle Candle burning.... Why did GOD not turn this bread & wine made with human hands into
HIS True Flesh & Blood of The Only unblemished Lamb who was slaughtered for you and I...
Will you COME COME to HIS Holy Altar, HIS Eucharistic Fountain of indescribable blessings that are unending when you receive HIM and not merely a symbol.
I have since heard from some members of St Joseph's Spanish/Latino community that she, a friend & both of their family members began traveling to different Catholic Churches sometimes an hour away one direction so that they know that they are receiving True Doctrine preached to them. and that their Sacraments received are valid and pure.
Sin is sin!
There is no such thing as a "little sin" in spite of former uses of such words as "Venial, Mortal or a Cardinal sins" used by nuns who taught me and possibly you in First Grade and in Kindergarten.
Have you ever pricked your finger perhaps with a fine tip of a needle whether in a medical clinic or sewing buttons on your coat...and had just one tiny drop of your blood flow out upon your garment of your lap?
One drop of Holy Blood is all it took to save mankind from sin... One drop of sinful blood regardless how small is still a stain that on a white garment is no longer pure.
One drop of red against white is very noticeable.
I educated her that The Baltimore Catechism of The Holy Catholic Church states and GOD promises to protect the laity from sins of any priest who may celebrate Mass unworthily...without making a Sacramental Confession and Penance before heading upon the altar of Our Lord. That if he does so, he eats to his own condemnation...but not so you and I who must eat from this same altar.
I myself who know this, who have received mighty Eucharistic Miracles from my physical blind eyes being opened to my enlarged liver and gall stones being absolutely instantaneously healed because I was grieving not for myself but for the youth and all who would never learn to reverence GOD when led by an irreverent priest who does not reverence GOD becoming GOD in his own hands.
Jesus said there will be theologians who do not make it into heaven due to such weariness.
Jesus declared: "Woe to you who cause even one of my little ones to falter or go astray."
Though only Jesus Christ and HIS Blessed Mother are the only human beings to never sin.
We must all seek righteousness and cast out all evil from among us!
It is our responsibility to pray for all of our priests, each by name those we know as our local pastors even those around the world whom we may never meet not even on Facebook! We must pray especially those whom we can see are weary cutting out Mass parts that are Most Holy and Sacred., those we know are weary GOD will bless us for lifting them to HIM.
What do monkeys see you doing? What do blind little lambs of all ages hear you say?
Only you can make the purposeful choice to clean up your own vocabulary spoken each time you open your mouth.
And possibly when you do GOD will have mercy on you and give you time to lead back to HIM those you in past years have led astray by the careless words you have spoken by speaking pure encouraging things.
Which at the same time...Create a Clean Heart within you and when you enter Heaven's Gates you will have others follow in with you!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!
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