Sunday, July 10, 2011

Since Monkeys always do What Monkeys See...What Are You Doing That You may Not Want Copied?

All of us when we go about our super markets picking out what we shall cook that afternoon for that nights family supper...

As you are busy choosing one melon over another...
Noticing and rejecting those irregularly shaped, bruised, gouged or even crushed...

Whether you shop with your children in your buggy...or maybe you have no children of your own....
Someone else's children are always present almost everywhere we go!

And today in a world where not only is entertainment too expensive, not much offered by the entertainment industry is worth our even giving up our time anymore...
But why pay insult us!

If one gets a thrill or is motivated by do not have to forfiet your money anymore to receive that!

At one time anyone with a dirty mouth was excluded from mainstream society. 

Today for unknown unexplainable reasons many find a foul tongue not just shocking but hilarious and has become their favorite past times and think that they are entertaining others...

But in actuality they are creating an atmosphere of tension, fear and hostility...words are always creating something...  Words of honeycomb calm and heal body soul and spirit while cursive language and harsh criticism kills and destroys not only many hearts but even kills the one who speaks them....

And as others copy-cat such behavior....death, sickness and evil multiplies across thy nation!

But when we see our words for what they are...recognize our words can permanently crush hearts and souls no different than those tomatoes and melons we reject in the super markets...

We will choose to speak with a clean and kind tongue...we shall seek opportunities to speak kindness to others..even strangers whom we see searching for the perfect bell pepper...and our sweetness could be the only salt...the only good flavor they taste in life for weeks and weeks....

We can be Esther's and Jacobs in every life we meet and greet along every street...changing the world of everyone in our communities by simply caring to make the effort to give everyone blessing to copy cat and pass along...  And those monkeys...both yours and mine...will be strong Faithful Servants...all because you took a positive charge over your mouth!

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