Monday, May 9, 2011

No One Gets Into Heaven By Packaged Deal!

Let us all be careful how and into what we package ourselves and our children.

The Body of Christ is far more than the sum of each member and likewise...

Each member has been created by GOD for GOD uniquely in HIS own image with dignity.

Each and everyone has been created with purpose not given to any other;
Yet each one is called annointed and appointed to not only remain in Jesus Christ and HE in us at all times...

We are called to be Christ to each Eucharist to each one we meet and greet along every street each moment of our day.

Not one will get into heaven riding upon another's coat tails though we are all required to lead and be examples....
For someone is always watching and coping our behavior...our own children for sure but many more than even I can imagine.

This is an age that people watching has become the most chosen form of entertainment.

This is because the best things in life are free...rising early to meet and greet Our Lord in HIS Son's sunrise...
Laying down in green pastures admiring the flowers that neither reap nor sow but Our Heavenly Father clothes in splendor.

Yes observing the behavior of family or even total strangers can be more entertaining than Dick Van Dyke, Ed Sullivan, The Honeymooners....or even all rolled up and packaged together!

We must be careful we do not pick up as our own the habits of most others whether we witness it without choice on our jobs or possibly in the classroom.

There is nothing sinful about buying popcorn and sitting on a bench and choosing not to waste our money on movies that showcase leud conduct even in those written for families and our children.

The 10 Commandments still apply...Gentlemen close your eyes when girls and women sinfully walk by without enough clothing.

Women we too are now also in this group, for sadly today it is not just women who let there body parts hang out.

Men can be just as guilty wearing clothes too tight that the shape of their manhood leaves nothing to the imagination.

Let us be careful, not to wrap ourselves in with them.  For we cannot allow ourselves to be conformed by the world...we who are in Jesus Christ are TRANSFORMED by HIS Body and Blood which we must eat and drink at Mass every Sunday at a minummum.

Let us always imitate Almighty GOD and call each one by their longer lump all together with a "Hi Gals!"  or "Hey Guy's"

For Jesus Himself said if you do not eat my body and drink my blood you have no life within you!  Almighty GOD invites each one to HIS table every day and when we come running to HIM ...accepting this marvelous invitation...

While many think they do not have time to start their day with Our Lord, the actual truth is not one can afford not to...for the ones who do not seek HIM early are the ones who never have time to complete a thing...They are the ones who always run behind who expect to get into heaven as part of another's packaged deal!

If a son or daughter is away from GOD away from Holy Mass they cannot recognize HIM, they cannot be led by HIM in the critical moments of their day.....

For they have not sought HIM...they have no life but deadness within.

Seek HIM first...wake up at least an hour earlier...start your day with Daily Mass and HE will not only be your guide through time...
You will be more productive all day because you will not beleaning and  relying on your own limmited understanding.

HE who is within you will be doing your work for you and through you.

You will at the same time be an honorable example and not encur guilt over the monkey-sees and monkey dos who copy-cat you!

And you nor they will need to seek nor count on packaged deals nor will the 'Roll'em Out Blues" ever come to you!

For those who get themselves fixed up into packaged deals will find out that their entire package gets not simply gets lay-awayed to another flight...
Those who are conformed and not transformed never get "Over-Nighted!" 

Instead they get ignited and not by the flames of HIS merciful love...
Eternal Burn is the club that the "Roll'em Outs go.

There were and are no tickets sold for this tour of Eternal finds himself or herself there because they failed to build a relationship with GOD's only Son...

For the one who truly knows HIM intimately, it is impossible for him or her to speak less than HIS Holy Word for HE is In them With them working and speaking through them and for them at all times.

So let each of us choose every word we speak with purpose, clarity, and charity....
Words that will build and not ddestroy GOD's Kingdom.

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