Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Regardless Where You or I Find Ourselves and Regardless What We Are Doing....

Regardless where we go and what we do.....someone is always observing, watching me and you!

Need not have your phone tapped for unexpected ears to be listening to you both when you are feeling your best and have plenty of rest...

Not only when you are up front and center on the altar are your church members watching your example...

But ones actions, words and life style choices outside of the pulpit speak greater volumes to our entire community and our youth than any homily or sermon will ever teach.

When Catholic Priest no longer care when The Lord is routinely LEFT ALONE when HE is Exposed for Eucharistic Adoration...

When deacons and male Eucharistic Ministers are allowed to chase the wives of other men and are no longer satisfied with their own wife...

When it is fashionable to not call all persons each by their name as GOD calls each by name...
When even "friends" refuse to call friends by their names when repeatedly requested...

But lumps everyone into one name of the same: "Guys" or "You Guys"
How can we expect our youth to grow up and respect us or anyone else when we refer to our children as goats!

That is the title most Americans give their sons and daughters these days!

A kid is a young goat...not a a human child...our son ...our daughter.

When we give our sons and daughters wholesome spiritually sound names
Then make the effort to call our children and all people by their names...

We call them to a higher level...being called "James Edward" and not Jimmy or Eddie...   Or William Edward and not Bill or Billy a man is given greater respect.

When anyone shows another greater respect, both are impelled to treat others with higher respect and courtesy.

Such dignity inspires each person to perform their duties with greater care and attention instead of doing the bare minimum to receive his wage.

We can all be better stewards and shepherds, for though society today tries to say that they are not their brothers keeper...

Scripture declares that we are our brothers keeper.   We all have had a part to some degree by our behavior, or by what we have failed to do in causing many to go astray.

What have others seen you do and copy-catted you?

What have they repeated out of their mouth that has got them in trouble when you knew not they were watching, listening copy-catting you?

You can make a positive difference not only in choosing your words which are always creating, building or tearing down something...or someone.

You can contribute to The Carpenters Friend http://TheCarpentersFriend.com  who is in business to teach carpentry to prisoners who had not proper guidance.

As GOD's Holy Word proclaims... HE Blesses those who Bless us and our work which is HIS work.

Praying for you!

Amen Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

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