William & I love you all so much!!!
We cannot even imagine being without your sincerity of heart...your friendship & thus we love you all so so much...Kenneth, Abner & Fatima and always pray for you, your attentions and families.
William & I just after leaving St Anselm immediately after you Deacon Abner laid hands on my husband following Msgr Baranowski's ... Holy Mass.
I know that they call him Msgr Belinsky, but he himself called himself "Baranowski" when on Monday August 20, 2012 I asked for sacramental anointing me for my high blood pressure that was erratic because we were constantly moving. And he is one of many the Catholic Church keeps moving and changing their names.
At that time you really protected William & I from his inappropriateness dear Abner and again I thank you.
But as I told you that at that time I would leave it to you to talk to Fr Frank about what I found on the Chicago website as he did slip and to my husband & I called himself by his rightful name and ordered me to never genuflect when I received the Eucharist again in the future.
He said: "You are no longer a slave but a friend and friends don't genuflect to friends...They SHAKE HANDS!" He exclaimed.
He added that "I am a psychiatrist and if I were still practicing I you would be my patient"
I then on Facebook publicly asked Fr Charles Okeke of Atlanta area is there any such thing as showing too much reverence to our Lord in the Eucharist? Fr Okeke said an absolute "No." and many priests connected to him that week agreed and echoed the same. I actually rephrased my question 3 times to make certain for my husband to see that the answer would always be the same.
I then wrote about this priest and posted to "STOP Holy Communion in the Hand" and other Catholic groups where the world could see and I received support, encouragement & prayers from Catholics around the world.
Well here is the next chapter in the "Belinsky/Baranowski charade. For a priest who does not believe that demons are real....is contrary.
It is impossible to believe in God and declare that the devil and his legions of demons or fallen angels exist not.
On First Friday William asked him to bless our new box of salt purchased at grocery. I told William we would be better to ask you our friend Abner, now Deacon Abner.
William says: "Why not the priest...he is a priest?"
Well Msgr Baranowski/Belinsky asks my husband: "What for?" William said: To keep the "Demons away."
Afterwards William asked me "Why did he not know about salt & demons???" I did not want to upset my darling whose body has been challenged by returned tumor... So I only said: "I agree it is strange.
I did not elaborate explaining that he was the same priest who inappropriately anointed me showing desire when he laid his hands on me...and what I wrote above.
Nor did I say William dear, we know his past as written on the Chicago Diocese website.
This impostor for the Lord in my opinion...but God protects the Faithful laity from his sins when he consecrates so I will not ever not receive Our Lord in the Eucharist when he is the Celebrant of the Holy Mass made the sign of the cross over my husband's salt box with a smirk and an eye roll...then flew fast out of Saint Anselm.
Well on Thursday June 20, 2013 when I genuflected to receive our dear Lord, Msgr Baranowski showed his anger...as I went down & came back up he flung his hand back as he held our Lord...he would call "It a host" not "HIM or the LORD" I am sure he has absolutely no passion for the Lord and ridicules everyone who is filled with passion for God.
And so, to finish describing what he did... with my Lord clinched firmly between his thumb and his first finger of his right hand he with a frustrated angry exasperated grimace on his face swung back the hand holding HIM almost as if he was going to throw HIM behind him and abandon the Mass.
But we all know he did not do that...but as he angrily turned his head all around with face grimaces that my husband behind me & certainly many maybe not all in line behind us and in the other Communion line that you were distributing Holy Communion to Abner could see.
I also believe folks who love us who had returned to their pews already saw this too but they said their good byes very quickly afraid to get into conversation.
Although they do not know me well...for this sort of thing I put in writing before discussing so as to get correct.
And then to verify what I already knew, for my husband'a memory, Abner asked if he was the same priest who anointed me in front of you on my birthday last year. Yes was the answer.
He has gained much weight gradually over the last year since our first time meting him on August 20, 2012.
And as I promised Abner, I never reported the behavior of this priest until after your Ordination knowing that even though you have no accountability for his or any other individuals behavior, that I would postpone reporting his strange behavior. But today I am sending this to the Vatican along with letters I wrote about it just after it happened.
Such an inappropriate person, one who thinks blessing salt is silly...should not be consecrating Holy Masses nor performing any priestly duties at all and under Pope Benedict such a report may not have produced any results.
But I have read Pope Francis' response to the idiotic practice of American Bishops shuffling around accused priests.
And the two hidden emails are my code addresses to post to two blogs at once.
Abner, if I fail to do this I truly cannot ever receive Holy Communion again in my life.
It is this which God created me for...as I told you Abner...from my tiniest childhood I told you though I knew not my name until 5th grade...though I begged my God buddies Father Son and Holy Spirit who appeared to me for children wanted nothing to do with me... I begged them to take me with them for no one wanted me...I was hated and despised.... I was always told: I NEED YOU...or WE NEED YOU....when all 3 appeared and played pancake parties with me upon my knees for no one else would eat with me...
And so Abner I am sorry for any bumps this report may cause for you...but remember his behavior was not your fault and is not your responsibility.
I found a holy priest in New Orleans who was here in States just for a few more days for sake of missions from Africa to whom I made a confession. He directed me: "Relieve yourself from this false guilt and continue to write such letters...to write this specific letter.
And I cannot recall for sure but I think it was Fr Cayet at St Joseph who I heard preach on false guilt & legitimate guilt, or maybe it was the mission priest to St Joseph just before Christmas...but I had been praying about this all of this time.
And I have received my answer.
God Bless your hearts and protect you always!
Stephanie & William
Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA 70454
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