After returning to New Orleans from Katrina, our zip code was the first the city opened on October 17, 2005 ....
I bought a book of one liner jokes compiled by a Protestant Pastor. I would give his name credit, but the book is burried with others in one of our two storage sheds in North Carolina which we still send a rent check each month for up there!
After Katrina everyone had to make exteeme puposeful choice to be positive and there was not much of anything that one could simply look out the window and see with their own eyes something to laugh about!
There IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO BE GRATEFUL FOR if one simply as breathe still going in and out of their body!
For it is not until we breathe out for the last time ... That there are no more chances to choose to LOVE and TO BE KIND!
To Bless and to not kill! To give and receive forgiveness and have our souls washed snow white clean!
Yet I know so many adults, parents and grandparents alike... Even those who look so crippled and feeble you wonder how they are still holding on....
Many, many of these one would think would be as part of preparing to die... would be wanting to GIVE UP FOR GOOD BEING Unforgiving and unkind!
As hard as it is for me to grasp that Loving which comes so natural for some, while others are angry that they are not loved as we LOVE EACH OTHER!
How does one convey to these poor sad souls..... to LET IT GO>>> FORGET IT!
Find something to laugh about and be SILLY!!! Even if you must force yourself>>>>
MAYBE if such souls realized that some youngons..... Vulnerable ones are watching them>>>
Maybe many of 'dem older folks whose ways are set and there scheduled plans are never changed and their promises which are more like threats are never broken>>>
Maybe we should begin encouraging our children to be LOVING EXAMPLES to their elders who just happen to live next door, accross the street and down the block... around the corner>>
Neighbors who have never been neighborly NOT EVEN ONCE in their lives
May learn how to LOVE and to let GOD LOVE them through others!
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