Monkeys Sees and Monkeys DOooooozey DoooOOzey Dos!
All of us have been born with something to challenge us along!
All of us can choose our own perspective...
We never need to bind up ourselves with our parents poor choices...
the poor choices of friends, nieghbors or anyone else!
Nothing will make most parents happier....
than to see their young ones copying only their wise and good choices!
GOD yearns to give us Infinately more than we can Ask Think Dream or Imagine...
Though WE MUST CHOOSE IT By Asking! By turning our backs to sinful temptations!
The Catholic church calls it "Avoiding the occassion of sin"
This is not simply not sinning...
Avoiding places and situations which tempt us... which lure our eyes away from pure visions and thoughts!
The less often we are in places that attract lustfulness or drunkeness...
The less likely that the evil one can take us on a detor away from the Light into the darkness!
But if you find yourself in a dark place right now~~~
Do youself a favor and light a candle in your heart!
Seek and Speak to the Lord while HE can be found~~~
Call on HIM while HE still is yearni8ng to be found!!
It is HIS will HIS Most Holy Will that not even one be lost... at all costs and any costs... to save even one soul!
He has already Sacrificed HIS One and Only Son!
This is why HIS Word says: "It is Mercy I Desire and not sacrafice~~
For no sacrafice we as humans can make can ever touch or come even close to The Son Laying HIS LIFE Down ~~~
Love Love Love and Mercy is what it is all about~~
You cannot love or forgive another if you do not first forgive and love yourself~~
Love yourself because GOD created you just as HE saw fit in HIS wisdom~~
The Wisdom of man is foolishnesss to GOD remember~~
So choose to be Joyful in who you are because GOD has chosen you just by the fact HE created you~~
Why would a Great All Loving All knowing GOD create anything or anyone without a purpose~~
So whether you are a Mark, or a Daniel;
A Michael, Mitchell, Robert... A David, Edward or Nathaniel~~~
a Sean, a Patrick, a Timothy, Ryan or Clause~~ Oscar or Herbert~~~
A William, a Carl, a Martha, Mary or Maude~~~
We can all be Peter & Pauls instead of Simons and Sauls...
Esthers and Jacobs by the Words we choose to speak~~
Let your word not detriorate~~ Let your Words CREATE~~~
Each one of us has been created on purpose by GOD!
So lets stop slapping GOD accross the face by rejecting ourselves from whom we can never run away~~~
Prasie and sing to Our Lord GOD Almighty for making us and in doing so your heart will fill up with joy!
And then and only then will the little ones who copy-cat you also be filled with happiness, and Joy at all times~~~
For they will learn to love and forgive themselves when they see and feel the Joy and acceptance which transends from your heart~~
All because you chose not to be harsh and make the place dark~~~
But you chose instead to rub their puddin heads speaking Making HIS Words of Life your own~~~
And the World keeps turning regardless of our choices~~~
But is BRIGHTER Lighter Happier and Healthier when we
Forgive and Love ourselves and ALL~~~
Sending you Joy That you may Triumph over trials along the trails of challenges that will become not grave stones but~~~
Steping Stones onto the next Victory in HIM~~ TRIUMPH~~
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